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Título : Estudio de la Influencia del Ca(OH)2 en las Películas de Pericarpio de Maíz Nixtamalizado mediante Técnicas Fototérmicas
Palabras clave : Tecnicas fototermicas
Pericarpio de maiz
Fecha de publicación : 16-ene-2013
Editorial : Superficies y Vacio
Descripción : We present a study of the influence of the Ca(OH)2 on the thermal and optical properties on pericarp films obtained from nixtamalized corn grains using photothermal techniques. Besides this, we studied the calcium integration and the morphological changes in these biopolymers by using x-ray diffraction analysis and optical microscopy. The nixtamalization process was performed using alkaline solutions with different Ca(OH)2 concentrations. We obtained that the thermal diffusivity of the pericarp films has a remarkable increase with the Ca(OH)2 concentration used in the nixtamalization process, which can be explain with our results of a calcium penetration and integration in form of CaCO3 microcrystals in these biopolymers and mainly the degradation in its layers by the alkali medium action of hemicellulose dissolution, especially the most external layers: cuticle and epidermis. The analysis of optical absorption spectra show the presence of o-glycosides pigments type flavonoids in the pericarp which are sensitive to alkali medium and they are characterized by a remarkable absorption band between 400 and 450 nm which give the characteristic yellow pigmentation in these biopolymers.
Research article of journal indexed in Padron-CONACYT Mexico
Instituto Politecnico Nacional
URI : http://www.repositoriodigital.ipn.mx/handle/123456789/10924
Otros identificadores : 1665-3521
Aparece en las colecciones: Doctorado

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