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Título : Governability and vrsron of innovation inside Mexican Public Higher Education lnstitutions as a challenge to connect Mexican lnnovation Government Policies and harmonized SME's needs on triple helix system.
Autor : Pérez Hernández, María del Pilar Monserrat
Palabras clave : universities innovation
innovation initiatives
university triple helix
Fecha de publicación : 8-jul-2013
Editorial : Triple Helix Conference 2013
Resumen : Higher Education lnstitutions (HEis) are functional innovation component of the triple helix system of a country, this study concentrate on performance and interaction of triple helix initiatives and actors, mainly centre on HEis involvement. Latest decade Mexican Government has appreciatively promete and work for integration of opinion and call for action from several stakeholders that includes, academia, industrial sectors, HEis, associations, NOGs, experts groups to strength and implement several strategies, comities, national projects and policies in Science, Technology and lnnovation (STI). In view that Public HEis in Mexico are potential players that contribute to produce knowledge for generating economic and social progress in a regional and national context. For that reason mechanism of participation of HEis in the National lnnovation System are examine, focusing in the HEis governance framework of STI polices, strategies and creation of intermediate organism. Besides the performance of such schemes are reviewed on intellectual property indicators as measure for innovation activity. For instance, it is considered two of biggest public Mexican HEis. Additionally, as part of the innovation country system it is also evaluated the degree of collaboration of Public HEis with SME's considering HEis reports and National lnnovation Statistics. From the innovation framework internal and externa! information is analysed, as well as, statistics, reports and STI indicators to determine the degree of appropriation and performance of such initiatives on the triple helix actors. To conclude Mexican lnnovation schemes are promoted and supported by Government, nevertheless it is still with low performance overall industry and HEis as core players. A majar disadvantage is stagnant due to disarticulation on the whole STI system. Moreover HEis have to be dynamic and encourage major strategies with innovation vision in the governance context, redefining and strengthen schemes on intellectual property and technology transfer activities and developed indicators. Additionally HEis shall actively enforce its participation on STI process to impel the national innovation system within articulation of Government and lndustry collaboration .
URI : http://www.repositoriodigital.ipn.mx/handle/123456789/17956
Aparece en las colecciones: Conferencias

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