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dc.contributor.authorBibbins Martínez, Martha Dolores-
dc.description.abstractAbstract The Neumsporrt Crrt.I'W. homologue or the A s pergillus nidulans regulatory genej([(•E has been cloned. The gene encodes a pu t ative transcriptional activator or g 65 amino acid s that contains a DNA-binding domain with a Zn(ll)cCys(, binuclear cluster, a linker region and a leucine zipper-like heptad repeat. Two internal amino acid sequences are identical to peptide sequences deter­ mined from proteolytic fragments of a DNA-binding protein complex specilic for genes involved in acetate util i sation and cxprescd in acetate-induced mycelia of N. crassa. Recombinant expression ol• the predicted DNA­ binding domain demonstrates that it is capable or inde­ pendent recognition of a subset of the promoter sequences that bind the protein complex rrom N. crassa. A dupli­ cation-induced mutation in the corresponding gene res ults in an acetate non-utilising phenotype that is characterised by inellicienl induction or the enzymes required !'or acetate utilisation. The new gene docs not fall into any existing complementation group and has been designated acu- I5.es
dc.description.sponsorshipInstituto Politécnico Nacional CIBA-TLAXCLAes
dc.titleA regulator gene for acetate utilisation from Neurospora crassaes
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