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dc.contributor.advisordel Angel, Rosa María-
dc.contributor.authorSalas-Benito, Juan Santiago-
dc.contributor.authordel Angel, Rosa María-
dc.identifier.citationSalas-Benito JS, del Angel RM. Identification of two surface proteins from C6/36 cells that bind dengue type 4 virus. J. Virol. 1997.71:7246-7252es
dc.descriptionArtículo científicoes
dc.description.abstractDengue viruses infect cells by attaching to a surface receptor, probably through the envelope (E) glycoprotein, located on the surface of the viral membrane. However, the identity of the dengue virus receptor in the mosquito and in mammalian host cells remains unknown. To identify and characterize the molecules responsible for binding dengue virus, overlay protein blot and binding assays were performed with labeled virus. Two glycoproteins of 40 and 45 kDa located on the surface of C6/36 cells bound dengue type 4 virus. Virus binding by total and membrane proteins obtained from trypsin-treated cells was inhibited, while neuraminidase treatment did not inhibit binding. Periodate treatment of cell proteins did not reduce virus binding, but it modified the molecular weight of the polypeptide detected by overlay assays. Preincubation of C6/36 cells with electroeluted 40- and 45-kDa proteins or with specific antibodies raised against these proteins inhibited virus binding. These results strongly suggest that the 40- and 45-kDa surface proteins are putative receptors or part of a receptor complex for dengue virus.es
dc.description.sponsorshipConsejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologíaes
dc.publisherJournal of Virologyes
dc.subjectVirus del Denguees
dc.subjectAedes albopictuses
dc.subjectCélulas C6/36es
dc.titleIdentification of two surface proteins from C6/36 cells that bind dengue type 4 viruses
dc.description.tipo7 páginases
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos

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